Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 173 - 179: Holy Hell.

Again, I'm doing terrible on the updates. I promise to return to a regular schedule soon. Escaping from one's life is a massive undertaking. But on to the past week:

Friday: I met up with an old high school friend and I went to GottRocks for the first time. We shot pool for a while and caught up on each other's lives. It's a nice little place to chill out, but kind of skeasy at the same time.

Saturday: I snubbed a child trying to tell me about Jesus. I'm amazed that parents force their kids to approach strangers and offer up the word of God. Holy hell, can I enjoy my sandwich and drink out on Main Street without having to read passages of the Bible?! I have no problem with whatever religion people want to practice, just keep it away from me while I'm eating. And don't use a little kid to do your dirty work.

Sunday: I posted something on Craigslist for the first time. Actually, my entire furniture collection. I needed to get rid of everything quickly and that seemed like the best solution. Plus it's freakin' free.

Monday: I managed to complete an entire day of work without doing anything productive. While my old job was certainly super easy, I always had at least one thing to do each day that qualified as work; even for a few minutes. Today, I spent the entire day playing flash games on my computer. What are they going to do, fire me?

Tuesday: Today, I gave a crapload of kitchen appliances to a few people that are less fortunate than myself. I needed to get rid of such things before I make my grand exit and it was certainly more productive than throwing it away.

Wednesday: I never drink too much. In fact, I've always been able to hold my liquor. But not tonight. I spent the late, late evening praying to the porcelain god after drinking far too much vodka at my going away party. That's the first time I puked, caused by drinking anyway.

Thursday: As I woke up on my ghetto yoga mat bed around 11.a.m (the mattress sold quickly), I hopped in the shower and strolled down to Tsunami for lunch. Fuck me if I didn't run into Tabatha. We got to talking for about 10 minutes about pointless chit-chat and she wanted to know if she could call me again.

Considering my current situation, I probably could have been a real asshole and got away scot free since I'm leaving town. But there is no way I'm going to get involved with that crazy, crazy girl again. I told her about my plans to relocate and she was shocked. We parted ways after lunch and I won't be seeing her again thank goodness.

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