Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 127: Don't drop...

This might sound odd, but I've never actually held a newborn baby until today. As I was walking back to lunch today, I ran into an old friend from high school that was taking her new baby on a stroll through the park. We got to talking for a while and she asked me to hold the little guy while she grabbed some coffee. I pretended not to freak out and kind of just cradle him in my arms. But seriously, I was afraid a million different things would go wrong.

But after a couple minutes, it seemed to get much simpler. The little fellow grabbed onto my pinkie a couple times and wouldn't let go. He just kept smiling up at me and laughing as well. In the world of babies, my appearance must be hilarious. All in all, it was a very enriching experience. Almost too cute for words.

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