Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 105: I'm skipping right to chainsaws.

There's a guy down in the park who I see on a constant basis. I have no idea if he has a real job or not as he is always down there juggling. Sometimes I'll see him when I go to lunch and when I go home on the same day. He spends hours upon hours juggling under the sun.

So, I decided to give it a shot. I've never tried to learn how to juggle properly. There's actually quite a bit of technique involved for the novice. I started with two rubber balls and worked my way up to three. The trick is to kind of turn your brain off and focus on the rhythm of the throw. I had a heck of a time training my brain to throw the third ball when the second was in the air. I also learned that you should practice in front of a wall when starting to avoid walking with the throws.

I won't be joining the Ringling Bros. anytime soon, but it was a fun first today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he's really sweet. jessie and I used to frequent his park blanket. he comes off as strange, but he's very intelligent and well read.
