Friday, April 6, 2007

Day 95 & 96: Sick as a dog.

Goodness, it's been an odd couple of days. For my new thing on Thursday, I cooked up some giant stuffed mushrooms for lunch. I saw some massive ones at the store this week and couldn't resist. I stuffed them with three different types of cheeses and a little bit of crab meats. Insanely good stuff, but probably terrible for me.

Anyway, I had been feeling a little under the weather for most of the day; lack of energy, sore throat, slight headache, etc. When I got off work at 4:30, I walked home and crashed around 5. I'll be damned if I didn't wake up until 9 a.m. today. I woke up, stumbled around like I was drunk, and stood in the shower like a zombie. I still felt like total shit, so I laid back down and passed out yet again. I woke up about an hour ago and I finally feel much more normal. All in all, I nearly slept for the entire day. That's certainly a first.

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