Sunday, March 4, 2007

Day 63: It puts the lotion on its skin.

Holy hell, I'm having a ball torturing the stargazers here in Greenville. Seeing how Leatherheads is filming right across the street, everyone wants to get a glimpse of the Clooney. I noticed people wandering into the locked courtyard between my building and the street, so I've been having a blast messing with people all day.

1. I locked eight people inside the courtyard this morning and headed down to Coffee Underground. Someone had left the gate unlocked and people had collected inside, so I decided to play dumb. My story would have been that I assumed they had a key, once I returned from CU, but it appears as if they used a ladder to scale out of there. Hilarious!

2. After I got everyone out, I've been camped out inside the courtyard, watching the filming and listening to a little Josh Rouse on my Zune. People have been coming up to the gate and demanding entry. I'll either play dumb, like I can't hear them or turn and wave. When they try to say something, I just point to the headphones and shrug.

3. They just broke for to step up a new shot, so I've been sitting up on my balcony watching the fracas. As people come up and shake the gate, I just watch and smile. I've been coming up with real asshole responses to demands to unlock the gate. "How much of my rent are you going to pay this month?" for instance.

Oh this is fun. I think I'm going to repeat number 1 now. :)

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