Monday, March 12, 2007

Day 71: The great outdoors

I started my vacation week off with a little drive up to Paris Mountain to ride my bike on one of their trails this morning. I think it was called Firetower or something. The ride went pretty smoothly. The entire trail wasn't more than a couple miles, most of which went downhill. It looped back up to the main road and I rode back up to my car. I wish I had remembered my camera. There was a great shot of the sun's rays breaking through the trees up at the top.

Anyway, it was fun stuff. I had never been up to Paris mountain before. It's a quaint, little state park. My ass doesn't care for it though. You know that sore feeling that you get after sitting on a bike seat for a while? It's much worse after riding bumpy trails.

I also kicked off a new push on a job search. I revamped my resume and tailored it for a few different types of jobs. I applied to a few longshots today, Microsoft, Activision, Electronic Arts, etc. I'll focus on stuff more close to home tomorrow, perhaps within a few states.

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