Thursday, March 15, 2007

Day 74: My Dreams have cliffhangers!

Holy hell, even my subconscious is getting into the spirit of newness! I had an insanely odd dream last night in 3 parts, each leading into the next. 2 sections took place overnight and the finale happened after a nap I took during the afternoon. This is easily one of the most impressive feats my subconscious has ever pulled off. The following is the best I can remember:

It started out last night with a slight nightmare. I was being chased by a pack of wild dogs on a cruise ship. The last lifeboat had been lowered into the water although the ship wasn't sinking. I was hiding from the dogs in a grand piano in one of the formal ballrooms. Strangely, the dogs knew where I was, but didn't want to attack because of all the noise emanating from the piano strings. I made a break for the helicopter pad to leap onto the chopper getting ready to take off. Unfortunately, I misjudged the leap and started falling into the water below. That's when I woke up in one of those entire body spasms, like I was falling.

So I wiped the sweat off my forehead, took a leak, drank some OJ, and hopped back into the sack. When I re-entered my dream state, I was floating around in the water hanging onto a giant amount of bubble wrap. The dogs had leapt into the water and were now paddling after me. Somehow, I started to swim incredibly fast and basically found myself washed up on an island that looked a lot like my old high school campus.

I wandered around asking people where I was, but everyone ignored me. I walked into a classroom, sat down, and started writing what had just happened to me as a story. All of a sudden, a giant air conditioning vent sucked me up and shot me through miles of tubing to an empty warehouse with gray cement floors. I picked myself up off the floor and saw a girl that looked like my 11th grade crush staring at me. She said something I couldn't hear, pulled out a gun and started shooting at me. For some reason, I thought the bullets were blanks because I snatched the gun out of her hand and pushed her to the ground. She kept saying, "We are still going to kill you.". I said "Who?” She started to say something, but I woke up.

So after a long day of real life stuff, I took a quick nap on my inviting couch after dinner and the whole damn thing picked right up where it left off. I'm back in the warehouse, but the girl had started flying around tossing rotten pumpkins at me. She starts screaming "Release the dogs!" and the same damn dogs on that cruise ship start popping out of holes in the wall. I'm freaked out, but start laughing when the dogs are more interested in the smashed pumpkin guts on the ground than me. I raced out of the warehouse in a blue PT Cruiser that magically appeared and drove to my house. When the garage door shut, I knew I was safe and then I woke up.

So, I suppose I did two new things today: Dreamed in episodes and wrote up a little dream diary about it. The crazy part is that I can remember everything about it. I usually forget what I was dreaming about 10 minutes after I wake up. But this was different. Strange.

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