Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Day 79: Random act of kindness.

I went running today after work (perfect temperature lately). I ran down to my yoga joint on Stone Ave and back up Main down into Falls Park. I think that's about 3 miles in total, but I'm not completely sure.

Anyway, as I was rounding the suspension bridge and rolling back up the bank of the river, I spotted another fellow jogger stuggling to get up the stairs. Of course, she was lugging a double baby stroller, so I can see why her face was confounded with pain. So I offered to grab the other end and help her get up the stairs. She was very thankful and seemed a bit suprised. I told her to have a nice day and tore back up Main street for a nice cold shower along with a bit of sushi.

Not a major act, but perhaps tipping the scales of karma in my favor for a brief moment in time.

1 comment:

James said...

Cool site. I'll have to bookmark it. Unless I can convince you to put a feedburner.com e-mail subscription link on it. Also, you can measure any distance with http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/
