Sunday, February 4, 2007

Day 35: Master Sushi Chef...not really.

I tried rolling my own sushi today. I usually just hit up the local sushi joint or even buy the pre-made rolls at Publix and Whole Foods. I bought a cheap little bamboo mat and a few nori seaweed sheets to practice. I diced up some cucumber, sliced up some avocado, and chopped some crabmeat to create a faux California roll.

The real pain the ass is the rice though. It takes forever to cook when you are hungry and if you don't get the consistency / moisture correct, the rice doesn't stick together as it should. So, my California rolls came out a little squishy and a bit of a sloppy mess. But still very tasty!

Now I just need to figure out how to create some Unagi barbecue sauce and some of that tasty Japanese mayonnaise.

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