Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day 44: Stiff as a board

Three days running with these workout related ones. I probably need to switch it up soon. Anyway, I tried out a class after work today for specifically working my core. That's basically the lower portion of the ribcage to the upper part of the thigh. Essentially, it includes abs, lower back, hamstrings, and my ass.

It's a pretty tough workout. At one point, I'm rolling to each of the four sides of my body attempting to lift up my legs and chest using only the muscles in the middle. I think it was called Superman/Banana (That's what the poses looked like). Another one had me dropping to a crouch, rolling all the way back onto my shoulders, lifting my legs high up in the sky, and getting enough momentum to return to the original position. All of that without ever touching the floor with my hands. Boy, that hurt!

I've been very energetic lately because of all these workouts. Surprisingly, it feels like I can do even more. Maybe I'll add some extra Kenpo sessions when I wake up. I think I know all the moves now.

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