Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 48: Help a complete stranger.

2 strangers actually. The first was oddly by happenstance and the second was a result of someone fretting in Coffee Underground. I was at a bit of a loss today for something to do today. Fortunately, a close friend provided this solution.

I was actually going to wait until tonight to try this out, but I said what the hell and trucked out to Main Street for some coffee. I headed across the street over to Joel's Java (coffee shop in the Westin), but they closed early today. As I turned to seek another java establishment up the street, I saw a young woman loading the Twigs van (a nearby flower shop) stumble and partially spill the crate of flowers she was carrying onto the sidewalk. I helped her pick up all the roses, tulips, etc and offered to help load the rest. She was a bit flustered, but accepted and we knocked it out in a couple minutes. Perhaps if I was more suave, I could have warped that altruistic gesture into a date. But still, she was grateful. Perhaps I'll stop by the shop next week.

The second occurred while chilling out in Coffee Underground sipping a turtle mocha (my treat for all the hard exercise I've been doing). I overheard a girl (arguably very attractive) at the next table bitching about not being able to connect to the net via her laptop using the wireless connection in there. I intervened, fixed her up in about 30 seconds, and went back to my coffee. Nothing major here as the resulting conversation fizzled in about 5 minutes, but not a bad start. Plus it's typically something I would have kept my nose out of, based on anxious fear alone.

Perhaps I should have branched out to other folks beyond the attractive female realm, but who am I kidding? Practice makes perfect.

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