Monday, January 1, 2007

Day 1: Took a completely different running route.

Lots of folks make a New Year's resolution to workout more. I worked out constantly through Jan 06 to early summer 06, but became very sporadic after my motivation left the state (long story). Anyway, I'm going to incorporate a running schedule back into my daily routine.

So, there is a gym where I work. I either run on the treadmill there or start at my apartment when it's warm. I take the same exact route every time: directly up Main Street, jog through the local graveyard, cut across the small park with the mini-golf course, and race back up Church street; dodging cars all the way.

Anyway, I changed it up this time and decided to run down a side street off Main. I looped around the west side of my little burg and followed the river back up to my place. A bit unpopulated, but I did see a little juice place that I want to try. It looked like one of those Jamba Juice places, only with a generic name. I also saw a new barber I may want to try, depending on the prices. I've been living here for two years and I didn't even know those businesses were over there.

So, a bit of a small change today, but a successful one regardless. I'm going to switch up my route more to find all the little hidden stores in running distance.

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