Saturday, January 6, 2007

Day 6: Took a nap in the park.

So I was up late last night watching Interstate 60, a movie about a 20 something guy trying to find himself. It's a quirky little flick with a ton of stars in bit roles. The main character is played by James Marsden. That's Cyclops from X-Men for all you Internet geeks or Lon the fiancée in the Notebook for all you swooning ladies.

Needless to say I was a little tired this morning, plus heading out early to run didn't help. Anyway, I went down to Fall's Park to chill out and get some much-needed sun. After about 20 minutes of lying on my beach towel, I dozed off and woke up about 45 minutes later.

I've never fallen asleep by myself in public that I can remember. I always seemed to be too self-conscious that somebody would mess with me. It was a bit exciting waking up, not knowing where I was or if I still had a cell phone. So, that was a first for me. It's kind of an odd one today, but still new to me.


magzilla_funk said...

I'm really happy you're doing this. It's like getting to talk to you everyday.

Mike said...

Thanks for the encouragement!