Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day 28: Brrr...Bought a Pea Coat

Shopping is something I shy away from. Not because I don't enjoy it, but rather because I'm indifferent to the whole process. I love to buy new things for myself, but I hate spending the money. It all evens out I suppose. I've been debating that whole second job thing for a while to change that.

Anyway, I was in the mall today checking for an oddball stuffed animal (preferable one that dances) to put in front of my Xbox Live camera while I play Uno on my Xbox. I know, extremely important stuff! Express was having one of their crazed 80% off sales, probably because nobody is insane enough to pay $98 for a pair of slacks or $70 for a shirt.

I spotted some of their coats still on the clearance rack. It's been really cold outside lately. It's 25 degrees outside at the moment. I have 2 main coats I wear; a very thin, lambskin leather jacket that fits me pretty well and a warm suede jacket that's 1 size to big. I can't wear the suede jacket in the rain, which makes for some cold walks in the thin leather. Express had this wool jacket on sale, so I bit at a little over $50. They probably still made money off me. I'm really digging it because it's fitted to my body and very warm.

By the way, I didn't realize how much the Kempo workout worked until I got up this morning. Wow, my shoulder blades were really sore as well as the joints near the top of my thigh. Good stuff. I took it easy today with an hour-long stretching session. Much like yoga, but mostly focusing on allowing the muscle groups I worked this past week to stay limber.

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