Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 23: Plyometrics class

Oh wow, I think I just left a bucket of sweat at a new cardio class I just attended, plyometrics. Definition time: Plyometrics is a muscle building technique that uses power lunges and jumps to improve strength, flexibility, and speed. For my perspective, it just looked like a 60 minutes jumping class.

But what a workout! Lunges, crouching, leaping, oh my. It was extremely intense and I couldn't even keep up with the smoking hot instructor or the majority of the soccer moms for that matter. It was just straight up embarrassing. All that running I do and I was gasping 40 minutes in. My shirt was drenched after class.

But I will have to say it was a really rewarding experience. I think I'm going to try their Kempo class as well to see if I prefer it. But it may be better for my muscles to keep them guessing with different types of exercise. Fortunately, my shrimp stir fry, baked potato, and green beans were waiting at home to refuel me. :)

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