Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 10: Fancy-Smancy haircut day

On the advice of a beautiful, young woman who knows much more about such things than myself, I decided to make myself an appointment at the trendy salon about 3 1/2 blocks away from me. But a little background is needed first:

Through most of high school, my mom cut my hair. When I was a kid, it was because we were short on cash and as a teenager, it just became a habit. When I went to college, I graduated to the cheapie places that populate the strip malls of America: Great Clips, Supercuts, etc... I've always been too intimidated of those trendy expensive salons. Plus they are typically populated with women, rarely men getting haircuts.

I still got the same vibe when I walked in there today, but I pressed on. A cute girl named Gretchen had me follow her back to her chair and it began. I'm sure she saw the trepidation on my face and my lack of knowledge on the entire subject of hairstyles. Anyway, she washed my hair (which totally kicks ass) and started by thinning my hair up top. No clippers, all scissors.

My hair has always been very thick, dense, and stagnant. But after my haircut, it feels light and fluffy. The length is actually about the same, but the weight is far less and the sides / back are all trimmed up. She also tossed in a little hair product to allow a bit of a messy look. It's tough to see any major difference, but I can certainly feel it and it should be easier to manage.

Personally, I tackled a scary one today. I realize getting a new haircut at an unknown place shouldn't be, but for some reason, I was anxious about the whole ordeal. Anyway, whew!

1 comment:

magzilla_funk said...

Everyone should be terrified to get a haircut. You're trusting your appearance to the hands of a stranger. Awesome job, kiddo.