Friday, January 5, 2007

Day 5: Housecall to help a friend.

I've always been selfish with my personal time. You could say ME time is my predominant preoccupation. So this year, I'm going to try and go out of my way to offer my abundant personal time for friends that need my special skills for some help.

Anyway, a friend at work seemed to have fouled up her TV something fierce. She hit the wrong button on her remote which sent the TV into auto-programming mode. Basically, she was unable to fix the channels and get her cable box working again. It was so bad that she was stuck exclusively watching Nip/Tuck DVD's she got for Christmas over the past few days instead of her favorite television shows.

Seeing how my brain solves these sorts of issues in mere seconds, I offered to head over to her place to fix it. No ulterior motives here, just a little slice of altruism. We headed over, I took care of it, and took the quick house tour. A simple problem was resolved and she was overly grateful for my minor fix. I knew that hunk of grey matter between my ears was good for something.

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