Saturday, January 20, 2007

Day 20: Arrrgh! I'm Fatty McFatso.

There's a little gym that opened up about 5 months ago down on Main Street. This week, I received a promotional mailer from them about a free, professional body fat measurement. Obviously, they do this to hook you into deciding to work out, hopefully at their gym. I have my own gym at my work though. I also have a body fat measurement scale, but it's been on the fritz for a couple months. So I decided to take them up on their free offer to do something new for today, but with no inclination to signup.

If you have seen the weighing method done on most reality workout shows, it's exactly the same. Basically, you wear a bathing suit and sit in a harness that looks alot like a swing on a kid's swingset. They lower you into a large stainless steel tank and measure the buoyancy of your body. In other words, fat floats and muscle sinks. It's totally painless, other than the fact that you have to face the harsh reality of the result.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, they came back with the results: 18.4% body fat. Ahhhhhhhhhh! At 157 pounds, that means 29 of those are friggin' blubber. I still look skinny, since I'm 5'10", but I can't see any of my muscles under the fat. Yuck!

Anyway, I came back to my apartment pretty pissed off and spent the next three hours devising a kick ass nutrition / workout plan which starts tomorrow. I'm going to do it for the next 90 days and post updates along the way here. I found some great recipes for a variety of extremely healthy dishes and my workouts are going to integrate some new resistance training techniques. I'm also going to try out some different cardio programs around town to find one I really enjoy. That plus the yoga should mold me into a lean, cut dude.

I'll be satisfied with lowering my percentage to 14%, but I'm going to shoot for 11%. All I know is that I'm going to be sore for the next 3 months. No more chocolate soufflés or Starbuck Mochas for me. :(

1 comment:

magzilla_funk said...

If only we all had your determination.