Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Day 3: I'm bendy!

Ah, my first 90-minute yoga lesson. There is a little place down Main Street next to Horizon Records called North Main Yoga. So, I hoofed it a mile down the road around 6:30 p.m. today and popped in for the 7 p.m. class. After unleashing my stinky feet from their sweaty prison, I stumbled into the dimly lit room.

Immediately, the yoga teacher lurched toward me to give me a hug. A bit creepy, but it totally fit her spread-the-good-vibes personality. She sent me to the other two new people in the class and I happily laid my mat down between the two hot, but married chicks. On the subject of male to female ratio, let me just say damn! There was 1 guy for every 3 or 4 girls.

Not surprisingly, that feeling of euphoria didn't last as my body was stretched to bendtastic lengths that I didn't think possible. The warm-up was really simple, but the pacing was brutal. Every time I thought I was doing the pose properly, the teacher would come over to our little group of newbies to alter our bodies in ridiculous positions. I worked up an incredible sweat over the first hour mostly due to swan, dolphin, and three-legged dog position.

The last half-hour was mostly cool-down and some off-the-wall new age chanting. I really enjoyed the meditative aspects of the cool-down and became very relaxed even though my body was screaming about not being able to collapse on my leather couch.

All in all, I may consider visiting again; perhaps a shorter class next time. I'm sure my body will have a strong opinion on that matter when I drag my ass out of bed in the morning.

1 comment:

magzilla_funk said...

Why didn't you talk about farting?